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Vegan Banana Dog Treats (Recipe)

These healthy homemade dog treats pack a lot of fiber and protein into small bites. See the photos and get the recipe here.

Vegan Banana Dog Treats recipe
You might want to taste these healthy dog treats, too. Photos: Allison Gray/Petful

Lately I’ve been trying to use up some leftover ingredients I have stocked in my “dog treat test kitchen,” and this recipe managed to help me out with 2 of those extra ingredients: flaxseed meal and chickpea flour.

Although the original recipe calls for whole wheat flour, I found that the ground chickpea alternative worked wonderfully if I omitted a splash of water.

Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM, CVA, CVCP, CVFT, who reviewed this recipe for Petful, says, “Chickpea flour is one alternative, but not all dogs can tolerate chickpeas, so you could also try coconut flour or almond flour.”

“If you try one of those alternative flours, you might have to play with the amount of water added,” she advises.

Even a small serving of flaxseed like this has lots of fiber and protein, according to PetMD, which adds that “fiber is important to a dog’s digestive health, while protein provides energy and keeps the immune system strong.”

Here’s everything you need to make these vegan banana dog treats yourself.

Vegan Banana Dog Treats


  • 2 tablespoons flaxseed meal
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1 cup chickpea flour*
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • ⅓ cup coconut oil, melted

*If you use another type of flour (such as coconut flour or almond flour), you may need to add up to ¼ cup of water to reach a cookie dough consistency.

Bake them for 20 minutes. This recipe makes about 2 dozen vegan banana dog treats.


  1. Heat your oven to 350 F.
  2. Combine the flaxseed meal, oats, flour, cinnamon and salt.
  3. Mix in the mashed banana and coconut oil.
  4. Drop the dough by tablespoons onto a nonstick cooking sheet and then flatten the balls with the back of a spoon.
  5. Bake for 20 minutes.

The combination of banana and cinnamon left my kitchen smelling heavenly while these treats were baking. And the scent of Banjo’s favorite snack — bananas — was enough incentive for her to wake from her nap and join me by the stove.

When the cookies were cool enough, Banjo happily snacked on a couple and licked the crumbs from the floor.

Banjo is ready to try one of these vegan banana dog treats.

Adapted from: Healthy Slow Cooking.

vet-cross60pThis pet treat recipe was reviewed by a veterinarian, Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM, CVA, CVCP, CVFT, and is safe for dogs in moderation, but is not a substitute for a complete balanced diet. This recipe was last reviewed and updated Feb. 20, 2019. Dr. Morgan comments: “I love the bananas and oats in these treats, and flaxseed meal is a great source of fatty acids.” Dr. Morgan operates 2 award-winning veterinary hospitals in New Jersey that offer an integrative approach to pet care. With a passion for healing her patients with whole foods, she has written several books on holistic pet care — including Yin & Yang Nutrition for Dogs, a holistic cookbook for pets.