Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni? An Eye-Opening Guide

This salty, spicy snack is a staple on top of pizzas, leading some to wonder, can dogs eat pepperoni? Knowing the risks can help keep your pup safe.

can dogs eat pepperoni

Pepperoni is a widely popular topping on pizzas and a common ingredient in sandwiches and snack platters. Its spicy flavor appeals to many, leading pet owners to often wonder, can dogs eat pepperoni too? This article explores why pepperoni isn’t the best choice for dogs, looking at its nutritional makeup and the potential health risks associated with feeding your furry friend this snack. 

Why is Pepperoni Bad For Dogs? 

Pepperoni is high in calories, salt, and fat. Just a small piece of pepperoni can contain large amounts of these, which are not great for a dog’s health. Dogs require more balanced nutrition that contains specific amounts of nutrients and vitamins to keep them healthy. That is why commercial dog food is better equipped for a dog’s diet than most human foods, like pepperoni. 
Other health risks associated with feeding dogs pepperoni include:

  • High Sodium Content: The high sodium levels in pepperoni can lead to salt poisoning in dogs if consumed in large quantities. 
  • Spices and Seasonings: Some of the spices used in pepperoni, like paprika and black pepper, can irritate a dog’s stomach. Other ingredients, such as garlic and onion powder, are toxic to dogs.
  • Fat Content: Pepperoni’s high fat content can lead to obesity or could cause pancreatitis in dogs, a painful and serious condition. 
  • Risk of Choking and Digestive Blockage: Small, hard pieces of pepperoni can pose a choking hazard or cause a blockage in a dog’s digestive tract, especially in smaller breeds.
  • Additives and Preservatives: Pepperoni contains additives and preservatives like sodium nitrate, which can be harmful to dogs over time.

How much Pepperoni Can Dogs Eat Before Getting Sick? 

Given that they contain so much sodium and have a high fat content, and the possibility of toxic ingredients present, there isn’t really a safe amount of pepperoni for any given dog to eat. While it may be more likely for them to get sick after eating a larger amount of pepperoni, the dog’s size and health condition can play an important role in determining how much could give them an upset stomach or even worse symptoms. To be on the safe side and to prevent possible health problems like sodium ion poisoning, avoid giving your pup even a single slice of pepperoni and instead opt for healthier, dog-friendly treats.

What if a Dog Already Ate Pepperoni? 

If your dog has already eaten a little bit of pepperoni, monitor them closely for their reaction. Look out for symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, excessive urination, thirst or dehydration, or in severe cases, seizures. Contact a vet promptly if you notice any of these, or other negative symptoms. Consulting with your vet can help determine the best next steps for your specific pup to keep them safe. If your dog ate a lot of pepperoni, contact the vet right away for a proper diagnosis and treatment as the toxic ingredients in pepperoni can be very dangerous quickly. 

can dogs eat pepperoni

Safer Alternatives

If you are looking to treat your dog, there are healthier and safer alternatives to pepperoni. Many dog-friendly treats are available that are created specifically to be nutritious and tasty for dogs. Alternatively, other proteins, like small pieces of plain, cooked chicken or turkey, without added spices or seasonings, in moderation can be a better treat option. Always consult with a veterinarian before introducing new foods into your dog’s diet.

Thus, while it might be tempting to share a slice of pepperoni with your furry friend, it’s best to avoid it due to the potential health risks involved. Choosing healthier, dog-safe alternatives will ensure your pet remains happy and healthy without missing out on treat time. Always prioritize your dog’s dietary needs and consult with a veterinarian if you’re unsure about introducing new foods into their diet.


Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni Pizza?

No, dogs cannot eat pepperoni pizza for all of the above reasons, but also because feeding pizza to dogs comes with its own risks. The dough, toppings, and cheese on pizza is not good for dogs and so adding pepperoni to that makes it even riskier.

Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni Sticks?

Pepperoni sticks pose the same risk as regular pepperoni. It’s best to avoid feeding your dog all types of pepperoni, including pepperoni slices, sticks or pepperoni jerky, as they can cause rapid weight gain, irritate your dog’s stomach, and especially because the ingredients can be unsafe for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey Pepperoni?

No, turkey pepperoni and other meats that are made the same way and use the same spices as pepperoni are not good for dogs and should be avoided. 

Can Dogs Eat Pepperoni and Salami?

Salami is another cured meat that is not good for dogs. The seasonings that are included in salami and its high fat content pose many of the same health risks as pepperoni. Thus, it’s best to avoid feeding salami and pepperoni to your dog.